Make Your Demands Known: Crafting A Persuasive Demand Letter


If you've been injured and are seeking to be compensated for an accident that was not your fault, you should be aware of a valuable tool in your quest to receive fair damages. The demand letter allows you to sum up how the accident has affected you and to inform the at-fault party in no uncertain terms of how you expect to be compensated. To help make sure that you write a successful and persuasive demand letter, read the below tips.

1. Going to trial is expensive and time-consuming for everyone involved. A good demand letter may allow you to avoid court altogether if the other side determines that your case would be difficult to fight against and consequently offers you a settlement.

2. Keeping a journal, notes and care records of everything that has occurred since the accident is vital. Refer back to you notes in crafting your letter.

3. Make sure that you maintain a professional and unemotional tone when writing the letter, using factual information instead of emotions. On the other hand, don't neglect to make clear the devastating effect the accident has had on you and your family.

4. Part of your letter should be a clear denial of fault. Even if it is later determined that you shared some of the guilt for the accident, that aspect of the case should be hammered out when negotiations begin, not in the letter.

5. A good demand letter contains the following elements (not necessarily in this order):

a. Using the correct medical terms, describe your injuries in regard to their affect on your life, and how you are continuing to suffer. This entry is vital, since it sets the stage for placing a dollar amount on your pain and suffering.

b. A list of medical expenses and procedures; include all treatment, medication, therapy, lab tests and your mileage to travel to those procedures. Include a dollar amount for these medical expenses.

c. A statement about your normal income and how much work time loss you have suffered.

d. Personal property losses you have suffered, such as cell phones, baby seats, and your vehicle.

e. The reason why you feel that the other party is at fault.

f. Finally, the amount you are asking for the case to be settled right away. Be sure to allow room for negotiation by making this figure a little higher. You can add a time limit for responding, but you cannot legally expect require that they reply by a certain date.

Get professional legal help for your personal injury case by contacting a personal injury attorney. Take the time to heal and place the burden of the demand letter, and your entire case, in the hands of a capable and experienced personal injury attorney.


28 February 2016

Maximizing Compensation in Accident and Injury Lawuits

Hi, my name is Sally. I was living a pretty average, uneventful life until I had an accident. At that point, my life become more stressful and painful than I could have ever imagined. Sadly, my accident happened on private property, and it could have been prevented if the owner of the property had kept up with his shoveling. For months, I missed work, suffered through constant pain and become more and more depressed. Finally, a friend referred me to an accident and injury lawyer, and she showed me how to get the compensation that I deserved. I don't want to see anyone else suffer like I did, and because of that, I decided to create this blog. Here, I hope anyone who has been injured can find the information they need to get fully compensated and regain their lives. Enjoy your reading and thanks for stopping by!